
Are you interested in joining our research group? Check out our research interests and send an email to Aaron about opportunities.

Current group members

Aaron Ragsdale

Aaron Ragsdale, Assistant Professor
I joined the Department of Integrative Biology at UW-Madison in Fall 2021. I am interested in the evolutionary and historical processes that shape molecular and organismal variation (see our research interests in the lab). Prior to Wisconsin, I was a postdoc with both Simon Gravel and Andres Moreno, and was a graduate student with Ryan Gutenkunst at the University of Arizona.


Gustavo Barroso

Gustavo Barosso, Postdoctoral Researcher
I want to understand how population-level processes interact with molecular-level processes to shape patterns of genetic and phenotypic variation. To this end, I develop probabilistic models based on population genetics theory and apply them to both simulated and empirical datasets from a variety of species. My long-term goal is to build more realistic models of nature.


Nathan Anderson

Nathan Anderson, Graduate Student
I am interested in the genomic response to selection. My research focuses on developing Diffusion models for complex selective pressures such as quantitative traits in changing environments, and background selection. Before joining UW-Madison, I received my undergraduate in applied mathematics at Texas A&M University and researched phylogenetic methods under Heath Blackmon.


Lloyd Kirk

Lloyd Kirk, Graduate Student
I am a computer enthusiast and an avid learner of statistical and population genetics theory, with particular interests in structural variation and its fitness effects. I’m currently working on methods for computing two-locus statistics from tree sequences. Before joining the lab, I was working in the clinical genetics testing industry. I did my bachelor’s in Plant Sciences and MCD Biology at UC Santa Cruz. In my free time, I enjoy biking, cooking, and nerding out. You can find some of my work (and harebrained ideas) on my github.


Santiago Medina

Santiago Medina, Joint graduate student with the Andrés Moreno Lab at LANGEBIO-Cinvestav.
I am a computational biologist. I received my bachelor’s in agro-genomic sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). I am passionate about evolutionary genetics, and my research centers on understanding how demographic history shapes genetic diversity in Native American populations. I love learning mathematics, mainly probability theory. Outside research, I enjoy meeting with friends, hiking, and practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Nick Collier

Nick Collier, postbaccalaureate researcher
I am interested in population genetics and systematics. I want to learn how evolutionary processes give rise to biological diversity at and above the population level. I received a bachelor’s degree in evolutionary biology from UW-Madison in spring 2024.

Past members

Nithya Atla, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2024)
Renee Li, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2021-Spring 2024)
Vasudha Khanna, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2021-Summer 2023)
Linda Zeng, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2021-Spring 2023)
Jake Hamburg, Undergraduate Researcher (Spring 2022)